Pedro Morouço is a very enthusiastic and provoking early-career researcher. Currently, is the Head of R&D Biofabrication Group at the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development – Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. He is the Principal Investigator of “2bio4cartilage – Integrated intervention program for prevention and treatment of cartilage lesions; POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023423 co-financed COMPETE2020 under PT2020 programme, and supported by FEDER”, and his research activity focuses, mostly, on products and processes engineering, aiming to bringing the gap between the lab and in vivo applications. In the last years, he has been invited to collaborate in several national and international projects, providing a significant income for the Biofabrication Group (currently has 8 grant-holders). Despite his young age, he has co-edited books, authored and co-authored more than 200 scientific works, is member of the scientific committees in various conferences, member of the Advisory Board on TERM for Cambridge Scholars Publishing and editorial member in various journals. His skills for thought-provoking talks were demonstrated as Keynote speaker in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine 2016 (Manchester, UK), Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2016 (Berlin) and 2017 (Barcelona), and Wound Care and Tissue Science 2017 (Frankfurt). Above all, Pedro is a humble researcher that understand the significance of working as a team and establishing interdisciplinary networks. Finally, Pedro is aware of the role of science for society awareness. Thus, he developed skills to be able to reach wider audiences (e.g. 2 awards in the National Science Communications Contests and representative of Portugal in an international event), and recently was the winner of The Publishing Method competition promoted by the American Journal Experts.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pedro Morouco,
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
Centre for Rapid and Sustainable
Product Development
Head of the Biofabrication R&D Group

2012-present Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Michigan
2012-present Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Michigan
Member, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program, University of Michigan
2013-present Member, Biophysics Program, University of Michigan
B.Sc., Biochemistry (with Honors), University of British Columbia, 2001
Ph.D., Biophysics, University of California-Berkeley, 2007. (advisor: Daniel Fletcher)
2007-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cell Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA
(advisors: Gaudenz Danuser and Sandra Schmid)
2002-2007 Graduate Student, Biophysics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
2000-2001 Undergraduate Thesis, Biochemistry, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada (advisor: Natalie Strynadka)
2017 Emerging Investigator from Chemical Communications
2017 Future of Biophysics Symposium Speaker at Biophysical Society Meeting
2017 Rising Star Award from BMES-Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
2014 Young Innovator in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
2013 UROP Outstanding Research Mentor Award – Honorable Mention,
University of Michigan
2012 American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant (declined)
2012 NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
2011 Society of Fellows Travel Award, The Scripps Research Institute
2008 Bernie Gilula Travel Award, The Scripps Research Institute
2008 Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Postdoctoral Fellowship
2008 Finalist, Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Fellowship
2007 Summer meeting travel award, American Society of Cell Biology
2005 Student travel award, Biophysical Society
2005 PGS-B Scholarship; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
2003 PGS-A Scholarship; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
2000 Science Scholar, University of British Columbia
Assis. Prof. Dr. Allen Liu
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Assis. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wingender
Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG) Dokuz Eylul University Health Campus

Assis. Prof. Dr. Shirin Tarbiat
Uskudar University, Ä°stanbul
Education: Doctorate
BS Aplied Chemistry Tehran Azad University-Iran 1998
MS Biochemistry Mysore University-India 2008
PhD Biochemistry Mysore University-India 2014
Academic Titles:
Research Assistant:
October 2013/ Koç University
September 2015/ Uskudar University
Assistant Professor:
March 2017/ Uskudar University
Management and supported thesis of MS and PhD
MS Thesis
“Partial Purification and characterization of Protease from Hippasa Agelenoides spider venom gland extract: Role in Hemostasis.” (University of Mysore, India), July 2008
PhD Thesis
“Studies on the mechanism of lipid lowering Phytochemicals from medicinal plants.” (University of Mysore, India), March 2014

Assis. Prof. Dr. Yongsoo Park
Koç University, Ä°stanbul
Dr. Yongsoo Park studied Molecular Neurophysiology at POSTECH in South Korea,
where he received his PhD in 2009. His postdoctoral training in Neurobiology was at the
Max-Planck- Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany with Prof. Dr. Reinhard Jahn.
Currently, he works as an Assistant Professor at Koç University.

Prof. Dr. Minoo Rassoulzadegan
University of Nice- Sophia Antipolis
(Parc Valrose), France

Assis. Prof. Dr. Andres Aravena
Istanbul University, Ä°stanbul

Dr.Christopher Mayack
Sabanci University Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Orhanli, Tuzla,
• Immunologist with a profound knowledge and extensive experience in innate and adaptive
immunity and many fields of biological, pharmaceutical and medical science. Additional
expertise in many aspects of cell biology, molecular biology and biochemistry.
• Expertise in numerous in vivo and in vitro models, including multiple tumor, autoimmune,
inflammation and infectious mouse models. Extensive pharmacodynamic work in preclinical
settings and particular proficiency in multicolor flow cytometry.
• Publications in peer-reviewed journals; editorial experience; extensive teaching and supervisory
experience; numerous successful collaborations.
Assistant Professor (07/15 - present); Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center
(IBG; Izmir Turkey).
Investigation of the role of innate T cells in infectious and autoimmune diseases. Particular
focus on invariant Natural Killer (iNKT) cells and mucosal associated invariant T (MAIT)
cells in the context of lung inflammations, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Visiting Scientist (05/15 - present), Instructor (08/10 - 04/15) and Post-doctoral fellow
(02/05 - 07/10); Laboratory of Mitchell Kronenberg, President and Scientific Director; La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (La Jolla, CA)
Preclinical evaluation of the pharmacodynamic effects of the therapeutic agent aGalCer on
invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) cells. Elucidated the role and mechanisms of iNKT cell activity during infections, autoimmunity and anti-tumor responses in multiple organs (lung, spleen,adipose tissue, liver, intestine). Discovery of a role of environmental iNKT cell antigens.
Post-doctoral fellow (07/03 - 01/05) and Doctoral training (10/99 - 06/03); Laboratory of Percy Knolle, Director; Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology (Bonn, Germany) and Center for Molecular Biology Heidelberg (ZMBH, Heidelberg, Germany)
Investigated the adaptive immune responses in the liver, with a focus on liver sinusoidal
endothelial cells and iNKT cells in the context of tumor-derived as well as oral antigens.
Discovery of the immune-suppressive pharmacodynamics of systemic CpG-ODN vaccination.
Ph.D. Immunology; University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2003.
B.A./M.A. Pedagogy; University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, April 2002.
B.S./M.S. Biology, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany and University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Wales, GB, March 1999.
2012 – 2014: Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Zoology Institute,
Martin-Luther- University Halle-Wittenberg
2007 - 2012: Ph.D. in Biology, Zoology degree, Colorado State University
Advisor: Dhruba Naug, Dissertation: “Behavioral alteration in the honeybee due
to parasite-induced energetic stress.”
2007 - 2012: Masters of Teaching Certificate, The Institute for Learning and Teaching,
Colorado State University
2003 - 2007: B.S. in Biology w/Honors, Minor in Chemistry, State University of
New York at Geneseo
2017 – present: Assistant Professor, Sabancı University, Molecular Biology, Genetics and
Bioengineering Program, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Courses taught: Science of Nature I, A Flipped Classroom Active Learning Course
2015 – 2017: Visiting Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College, Department of Biology
Courses taught: Evolution intermediate course twice (w/ 2 labs)
Evolution of Social Behavior upper level seminar (w/ 2 labs)
Bio 002 Intro. course - Organismal and Population Biology (w/ 2 labs)
Research Experience:
2012 – 2014: Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Martin-Luther-
University-Halle- Wittenberg
2012: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Colorado State University
2007 – 2012: Graduate Research Assistant, Colorado State University
Teaching Experience:
2013 – 2015: Teaching Masters Student Module - Host-Parasite Lecture and Insect
Biodiversity course, Martin-Luther- University-Halle- Wittenberg
2013 – 2015: Teaching Masters Student Seminar – Social Behavior Lecture, Martin-Luther-
University-Halle- Wittenberg
2011: Teaching Assistant, BZ 220 Introduction to Evolution, ran journal article
discussion groups for class, graded and managed online coursework, Colorado
State University
2011: Guest Lecturer, BZ 535 Behavioral Ecology, Colorado State University
2008 – 2011: Teaching Assistant, Biology of Organisms LIFE 103 lab sections, Colorado State University
2007 – 2009: Teaching Assistant, Attributes of Life Systems LIFE 102 lab sections, Colorado
State University
2006: Guest Lecturer, Biology of Insects 345, State University of New York at Geneseo
2005 – 2006: Teaching Assistant, Biology of Insects 345, State University of New York at
2004: Teaching Assistant, Contemporary Biology 100, State University of New York at
2003 – 2004: Tutor, General Chemistry II, Access Opportunity Programs for disadvantaged
students, State University of New York at Geneseo

Born in New Zealand and raised in Australia, Asst.Prof. Harvey completed a B.Sc. (Hons.)
at La Trobe University, Melbourne, before moving to The University of Adelaide to do a Ph.D. in the Department of Plant Science. His studies included molecular biology and biochemical studies on enzymes in barley. After graduation, he undertook his first post-doctoral position in the same department before later moving to the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics. There, his research focused on bioinformatics and molecular studies on cell wall responses to abiotic stresses in cereals plants. Upon moving to Yeditepe University, Asst.Prof. Harvey established his own laboratory to study plant cell walls. His current studies include research on abiotic stresses to agriculturally important crops in Turkey such as capsicum and tomato, with a primary focus on xyloglucan endotransglycosylase enzymes.
Assis. Prof. Dr.​ Andrew Harvey
Yeditepe University,Ä°stanbul
Researcher in Bioinformatics
Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, Istanbul University
Mathematical Engineer, University of Chile, Chile, 2002
PhD on Informatics, University Rennes I, France, 2013
PhD on Mathematical Modelling, University of Chile, 2013
Assistant Professor at Molecular Biology and Genetics Department Science Faculty, Istanbul University (2014-Present).
Postdoctoral Researcher at “Center for Genome Regulation” Center of Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile-CNRS (2013-2014).
PhD Thesist at “Center for Genome Regulation” and at “IRISA Team Dyliss” Center of Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile-CNRS, and IRISA/Inria, Université de Rennes 1, France (2011-2013).
Chief Research Engineer at “Information BioMining Laboratory” Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile-CNRS (2003-2010).
Researcher in bioinformatics on Salmon Nutriogenomics Funded by the Chilean Agency for Industrial Transfer, INNOVA-CORFO grant 07CN13PBT-41 (2009-11).
Researcher in bioinformatics on Table Grapefruit Genomics Funded by Fondef G07I1002 (coordinated by INIA, Chilean National Agriculture Research Institute) (2008-2012).
Statistical analyst in Breast Cancer Research Funded by National Cancer Institute, USA. (2010).
*Co-research in the modeling copper homeostasis in *E.faecalis** Funded by Fondecyt N17071083, National Fund for Science and Technology. (2007-2011).
Project manager in development of bioidentification kit for wine quality control Funded by Fundación Copec-Universidad Católica, in cooperation with Viña San Pedro. (2007-2008).
Chief Engineer of network and computing services Center for Mathematical Modeling, Universidad de Chile (2002).
Chef Engineer of network and computing services. Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile (1996-2001).

Assoc. Prof. Ralph Meuwissen
Izmir International Biomedicine and Genome Institute (IBG-Izmir)
Dokuz Eylul University
1990-1996 Doctorate in Molecular Genetics at the Department of Genetics,
Faculty of Animal Sciences, Agricultural University Wageningen, The
Netherlands. Ph.D. supervisor: prof. dr. C. Heyting. Ph.D.
1994 Animal Researcher Certificate Grade I at Veterinary Faculty, State
University of Utrecht
(1989-1990 Military Service)
1987-1988 Junior assistant-scientist project at the Department of Biochemistry,
State University of Leiden, The Netherlands under supervision of Prof.
dr. J.F. Bol. Science
1982-1987 Master of science in Medical Biochemistry. M.Sc. obtained at 5/1987,
State University of Leiden, The Netherlands. First M.Sc. project at
Department of Biochemistry under supervision of prof. dr. P. van de
Putte. Second M.Sc. project at Department of Medical Biochemistry:
under supervision of prof. dr. A. van der Eb.
Research/Work Experience
2015- Associated Professor and Principal Investigator at International
Biomedicine and Genome Institute (IBG) Izmir, Dokuz Eylül
University, Izmir, Turkey.
2013-2015 Associated Professor at Health Institute, Department of Molecular
Medicine, Medical Faculty at Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey.
2011- 2013 Assistant Professor at Health Institute, Department of Molecular
Medicine, Medical Faculty at Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey.
2006-2010 Group Leader (Jeune Chercheur) INSERM,
In charge of new team at the Institut Albert Bonniot, INSERM/UJF-
823, Grenoble, France.
2002-2006 Senior Post-Doc, responsible for the development of mouse models of
human lung cancer, in the laboratory of Anton Berns, Division of
Molecular Genetics, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The
2000-2002 Visiting Post-Doc in the laboratory of Tyler Jacks, MIT Center of
Cancer Research, Boston, USA alternating with stay at the laboratory of
Anton Berns.
1996-2000 Post-Doc in the laboratory of Anton Berns, Division of Molecular
Genetics, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1990-1997 Doctorate, Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The
Netherlands (Ph.D. supervisor: prof. dr. C. Heyting).
1987-1988 Junior assistant-scientist project, at the Department of Biochemistry,
State University of Leiden, The Netherlands under supervision of Prof.
dr. J.F. Bol.